Sunday, 15 September 2013

Robots and Sleep

So this weekend I have decided to fully dedicate myself to the wonderful art of being absolutely and utterly lazy. It's harder than most people think, especially if you're a person like me and not skilled at all in doing nothing. As I think of it, ALL my skills basically lies within the doing-things-sphere. Though I mostly find myself doing more than one thing at the same time, and therefore not doing anything particularly well.

One might think that this lazy-weekend I am treating myself to has some sort of relation to the kind of weekend I had LAST week, and to a very large extent yes, I guess it is true. The lazy weekend come as a sort of aftermath. Last weekend was despite unearthly amounts of fun a challenge of the more physical sort. Dancing for hours to awesome music in the ruins of an old fort in the warm an lovely Croatia four days in a row took its tow. I think I might have got five different kinds of colds and also aged approximately five years. But, I must say despite that the hours of intoxicated dance and the hours of sleep I now enjoy are on the opposite side of the spectrum I cant shake the feeling that it's still all... well. shamefully enjoyable. It's on the same treat-level so to speak. When it comes down to it I don't really feel like I deserve it, but I'm too comfortable to care. So I slept, and slept, then I ate some really unhealthy food, and slept some more. Then I read a book, then I ate some toasts and  ice cream. And between all these glorious occupations I managed to dabble a little with the Robot game me n bro' are making. I made a sketch of a "crusher", meant to be an level asset/enemy in the first level set. Oh and I am currently sketching on the background for it. With Nick Drake singing softly out of my speakers, a fourth serving of ice cream in front of me and a large cup of matcha tea it doesn't really feel like I'm doing anything. I still fell pretty lazy. But I will have to start to speed up. My aim for this fall is to have a prototype of the game ready. I want to have a product in hand, if maybe not entirely finished, before the end of the year. So, that's why I now will finish the ice cream, drink some more tea, and thoroughly enjoy this treat of a weekend.

Monday, 29 April 2013

10th of May

So, Trädgården in Stockholm posted a little competition. Draw/illustrate in any way the date of the 10th of May and then post it on Instagram with the hashtag #tradgardensthlm, and you can win a card granting you entrance for the entire summer for you and a friend. Well, I DO kinda hang out there anyways, and competitions are a fun way of making me get a move on and create stuff. I'll try to make a few variations. Did this real quick after my evening run/shower/OCDcleaning the entire flat, I might as well post it here.

Friday, 19 April 2013

The Plan

The plan is, and have always been, to eventually take over the world and make myself Rave Lord of the universe.

Yeah, I got sick and tired of boats and pirates. I'm still doing it, just needed a break tonight. Treat myself so to speak.

Doing an Art Nouveau take on it. Only spent tonight so far and I'm really not finished, it's supposed to have a frame.

EDIT: Started on the frame, still have the bottom bit to do, maybe add some text.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Pirates Pirates Pirates

PHEW. All done. Now I'm moving on to some pirate ships and backgrounds. Here's the entire crew!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

LAST Pirate

Just started on it, but here's a first draft of the American. Need to finish baking Easter treats for the office now so won't have time to paint more on it before Easter

EDIT: Now I'm done, I just HAVE to be done. Here he is, the American!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Pirate of the Sunday

Sooooo, The Spanish Lady is on her way to completion. Then I only have the American left. I'm aiming to finish him this week and also have time to do some more, more pressing, graphics. 

Friday, 22 March 2013

Pirate of the Friday

So, yet another pirate. I hope to finish this one tonight then I only have two more until I move on to ships, islands, water, treasure and maps! PHEW. Trying to speed this up, but I'm still. not. fast. enough.

(edit: +2h and DONE! I think I need to sleep, but I suspect I'll play around with Massive instead. LOVE Fridays at home)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Pirate of the Wednesday

I am ill today. Like, I slept for 20h and was still tired-kinda ill. My head hurts, my throat hurts and I'm being torn between extreme heat and arctic cold every minute. I can't count how many times I've put on and off my massive woolen sweater by now. SIGH. But I have been listening to the soundtrack of Master and Commander, and it did get me drawing a bit, despite me being slower and more terrible at it than usual. I'm still at it, so we'll see where it ends today.
(Edit: A few more hours and now I'm going to stop drawing. I guess she'll just have to be done now)

Here's the third Pirate, the female Lord Nelson.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Pirate of the Tuesday (and Thursday)

So. Here he is, the Frenchman. Just a liiiitle bit on the camp side.

I got a few extra hours put in, so now I'm gonna have to be done. Next one will be.... Hmm... I think, Brittish!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Pirate of the Monday

So I continue my work on this one, I think her name will be Aaliya, thanks to Maria. Can't wait to start the next one.... WHY are the evenings so short!?!?!?!?

Sunday, 10 March 2013


This coming week will be spent drawing pirates for a quality Moonfarm game. There will be a total of 6 pirates, and first out is this gal'. Don't know her name yet but she's FIERCE as Maria would put it. Hoping to finish her tomorrow and then move on to the next.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


Some more animals for the website. This is up on the "Animation" branch.

Friday, 1 March 2013

The Webpage Days

Time for another sneak peak on the website illustrations. There is a lot more to come, but at least I've started 

Its all a bit confusing to look at it like this, in detailed images I mean, but hopefully it will become clear once its put together and you'r able to navigate around. One of the bigger issues I have now is to figure out what language I'll write it in. I thought actionscript 3 and Flash, but then there is the world of iphones and ipads to wich I kindof even belong (I don't count those silly mac toys people call "computers" (I mean PC's RULE okthanksbye)) so Flash is out of the picture. Oh well. Shame really, cus it's a nice and easy solution for me. 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The complaints of life

Big issues in my life at the moment: I want to draw, I want to work on my website, I want to make music and I want to make games. Time is not enough for it all. I do get a few precious hours every night after work, but then I can't decide what to do, so I do a bit of it all. That saying none of it is any good. So I'm i this spot in life where right now, I don't like ANYTHING that I produce. Quite possibly the most unsatisfying feeling for a person that breathes creativity and litterally loose the will to life if I can't get an outlet for it.

Did a quick selfie, just to doodle, last night. I was also working on a background for our game, and at the very last minute I started doing a bit of music. Oh and just before I rolled in to bed I also doodled a bit of animaiton in flash. Nothing to show for it, it was rubbish. Blaaargh.